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Daikin Applied Complete line of Daikin HVAC Products including: Magnetic Bearing Chillers, & High Efficiency RTUs. Daikin VRV and Unitary VRV-Variable Refrigerant Volume for advanced zoning capabilities that enhance energy efficiency. ABB, Inc. ABB dominates the HVAC market through their technology and application of variable frequency drives. Global Plasma Solutions Global Plasma Solutions is the market leader in bi-polar ionization systems that remove particles, odorous compounds and pathogens from the air, thereby saving energy by reducing the amount of outside air per ASHRAE 62.1. Haakon Industries A world leader in custom designed and built applied HVAC equipment. Multistack Modular Design products: Mag-Lev, Scroll, Centrifugal, Heat Pump, Heat Recovery and Air Cooled. Ebtron Thermal Airflow Dispersion Measurement products for proper building pressurization and contaminate dilution. IEC Industry leader in hydronic fan coil solutions. Applications for commercial, residential, hospitality and educational occupancies. Johnson Air-Rotation Systems Custom AHUs & Air rotation systems for large, open buildings, manufacturing & distribution warehouses. Heatcraft Heat transfer coils, custom replacement coil, booster coils, and heat transfer bundles. REYMSA CTI certified cooling towers. Market leader in fiberglass constructed towers. Superior corrosion resistance. Life expectancy of 30+ years. Seamless basins. Low sound options. Climate by Design Pre-Engineered and Custom engineered desiccant dehumidification and HVAC products for commercial and industrial application. Desert Aire Dehumidifiers and dehumidifying equipment for every environment, including DOAS and pool applications. STULZ Energy efficient temperature and humidity management technology, specifically for mission critical applications including computer room air conditioning. ThermoTek Direct-fired heating units, including 100% outside air applications. Indirect-fired heating units. QPAC Manufactures direct drive plenum fans with integral electronically commutated (EC) motors. Applied Air Packaged Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) and ventilation equipment. Direct gas fired and indirect gas fired systems. Direct and indirect evaporative coolers and air curtains. SkyBlade HVLS (high volume low speed) fans Skyblade has the most complete line of HVLS fans in the industry. Friedrich VTAC market leader. ASHRAE 62.1 compliant PTAC's (FreshAire). VRP package one peice VRV systems. Seasons 4 Custom and Direct Replacement Package DX units and Air Handlers. From 5.5 tons to 600 tons, air-cooled, water-cooled, and evaporative condensed. Also, low dewpoint solutions Blender Products Dynamic mixing devices that effectively mix outside and return air, eliminate freeze stat trips and frozen coils, and require no additional length for the air handling unit Badger Meter Market leader in water measurement meters. Ultrasonic, electromagnetic and insertion types. Very accurate and reliable Sage Metering High-quality gas flow meters. Direct mass flow, in-line and insertion types. Marvair Packaged, wall and floor mounted, self contained packaged HVAC units. Ideal for schools, telecom buildings, industrial and general purpose use. AAF|Flanders World's largest manufacturer of air filtration solutions, Including HEPA and ULPA filter systems. Low air pressure drop options. Carel Full range of humidification products. Electrode, resistive and gas fired steam, ultrasonic and adiabatic humidifiers. APC InRow cooling solutions, racking systems for a high-density IT environment. Complete line of CRAC system. Oxygen 8 Low profile DOAS air handling unit with Daikin VRV integration and ECM fans. ERV core with no moving parts EasyWater EasyWater develops and manufactures high-tech water treatment equipment for commercial and industrial applications. Alliance Air Products Custom HVAC solutions to meet any commercial or industrial specification.
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